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Q: How many judges were in the judgment hall of Osiris?
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How many pages does Osiris Rising have?

Osiris Rising has 348 pages.

How many son did osiris have?

One: Horus

Who was the Egyptian god of underworld?

Ancient Egyptians believed in many different gods. The god of the underworld was called Osiris, he was also the symbol of reserection and one of the first westerners.Osiris.

Why was osiris worshipped?

Osiris was one of the many gods and goddesses that the Egyptian people worshiped. He was worshipped because he was the god of the dead and the afterlife.

How many judges in the Bible?

There were 12 Judges in the bible.

How many women judges were there in the bible?

There are few references to women serving as judges in the Bible. The most notable is Deborah in the book of Judges. Deborah served as a judge and prophetess in Israel and played a significant role in military strategy and decision-making.

What Egyptian god is the god of death?

there are many.... but .... annubis and osiris

What do Muslims believe about angels and judgment day?

Muslims believe many of the same things about angels as Christians do, but there is a greater focus on Gabriel over Michael, since Gabriel facilitated the revelation of the Qur'an. In terms of Judgment Day, the general idea of Judgment Day and the Apocalypse are the same in Islam. Of course, the fundamental difference is that when God sits in judgment, the "correct" answer to what religion you belong to is Islam, not Christianity and Muhammad sits with God as He judges instead of Jesus.

How many judges are there in Olympics boxing?

Three judges

How many judges of the Old Testament?

14 Judges in OldTestament

How many times does set kill osiris?

Yes, Set killed Osiris and sent him into the Nile river. when isis found osiris, set chopped him up and put him back in the nile river. that other guy that answered was stupid.

How many conspirators helped seth capture and kill osiris?
