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Q: How many justices will have to agree before the Court will accept a case?
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How is a court case added to the supreme court's docket?

the court will accept a case if for of the nine Justices agree to do so

How is a court case added to the supreme court docket?

the court will accept a case if for of the nine Justices agree to do so

What influences supreme court decisions?

The justices of the US Supreme Court vote on each case that is brought before them. The decision of the court is whatever a majority of the justices agree on. Each justice has an equal say in the decision.

Can Four or more justices must agree before an opinion becomes the Supreme Court's official decision?

5 or more :)

How many votes are needed to accept a case in the US Supreme Court?

It requires the vote of at least four of the nine US Supreme Court justices to grant a petition for writ of certiorari. If four Justices agree, the Supreme Court will accept the case. This is referred to as the "Rule of Four."

For the majority ruling on the Supreme Court there needs to be at least justices who agree?

For a majority ruling on the Supreme Court, a minimum of five out of the nine justices must agree. This is because a majority decision requires more than half of the justices to support a particular outcome or opinion. It is necessary to have a majority in order to establish a binding decision for the Court.

What is it called when four Supreme Court Justices must agree before a case may be heard?

The party must request that the court grant a writ of certiorari.

How many US Supreme Court justices are on the Court today?

Currently, there are nine Supreme Court justices on the United States Supreme Court. The number of justices is set by Congress and has varied from five to 10. There have been nine justices since 1869. In 1937, Franklin Roosevelt attempted to add six more justices to the Supreme Court. He felt the court was obstructing much of his New Deal policies and adding more members who would agree with his views would help. This was termed the "Court Packing Plan." However, Congress did not agree and so the number remains at nine.

How many US Supreme Court justices must agree to hear an appeal?

The US Supreme Court determines whether to hear a case according to the Rule of Four. If at least four of the nine Justices of the Supreme Court agree, they will grant certiorari and hear the case.

For a majority ruling on the Supreme Court there needs to be at least justices who agree.?

There are currently 9 Supreme Court Justices, so for there to be a majority ruling, 5 would have to rule a certain way.

Should all the US Supreme Court justices agree to hear a case?

No. It would be too difficult, create too many power struggles and too much animosity, and slow the process of creating the docket to a crawl if justices were required to agree unanimously to hear a case. The current "rule of four" (only four of the nine justices must agree in order to accept a case) was designed to ensure the minority faction of the court (whether liberal or conservative) has an opportunity to address cases it considers important without being blocked by the majority.

What is a written explanation of a US Supreme Court decision called if five or more justices agree?

Five or more justices who agree on a decision form a majority. The written decision is sometimes called the "majority opinion," but is officially known as the "opinion of the Court" to signify its importance.