

How many kids cyber bully each day?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: How many kids cyber bully each day?
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How many kids get cyber bully?

1 1/2

How many people are effected in cyber bully?

42% of kids are bullied while online.

How many people die from being cyber bullyed?

people don't acally die from cyber bully because a cyber bully is a bully that threatens , or make fun of people online. but it dose hurt people some people get depressed or other things.

How many people are getting cyber bullied in 2011?

over a million kids have gotton cyber bullied

How many children die from cyberbullying?

Statistic says that there is an average number of 4500 kids who commit suicide each year because of cyber bullying.

Why do so many young Kids kill themselves from Bullying or Cyber-Bullying?

because the people that are bullying them they have something happed with friends,family and they think that that are so cool and it's not and that why we as people need to stop bullys i you see someone getting bully say stop it that is not cool and don't try to bully kids in middle school or high school that is not cool and not nice tell a teacher,your parnets or someone that can help that kids so because every kid has a right to live so like i said STOP BULLY!

How many kids bully per school?

500 people man

How many bullies are in Texas?

maybe over 90 kids bully

How many kids are bullied a year?

1 in 7 students are a bully or a victim

Why do most kids bully?

Most kids bullying because some things can be happenig at home. Other kids choose to bully so they can look cool when other people are around. There are many reasons why kids bullying so I just can't think and write all of it. So I hope this help you enough to give you ideas why most kids bully.

How many people cyber bully on wikianswers?

Not many. Many wikis are wary of trolling, spamming and cyberbullying. If any occurs, usually a Supervisor will know about it and block the bully. Keep your personal information safe; an average troll could always cyberbully from an e-mail and such.

What do the police stop Cyber Bullying?

Only the police know...but they can, however, track down the bully using special software and using their computer knowledge. They can then find the bully and speak to them, and have them put in record. There are many other ways...but I am unsure.