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Q: How many kids get influenced to do bad things due to bad or inappropriate games?
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Why can't kids see inappropriate stuff?

Kids look up inappropriate things to explore what is around them because they want to know more

Is disnep good chanel for kids?

yes it is. It is safe for children to watch. There are no inappropriate things.

Is it normal for kids to look up inappropriate things?

Yes. Most children do so.

Is halo made for kids?

all video games are made for kids, but the rating are for people who think their kids will be influenced by these kids

Is IMVU inappropriate?

if your 18 or over and have an ap pass then yes u might see some inappropriate things but if u dont have an ap pass or ur under 18 then no its not really inappropriate they do a good job at keeping things pg 13 so that kids wont be exposed to inappropriate things

How many kids are influenced badly by Grand Theft Auto?

kids arnt influenced from video games or music or television. i can say that considering im 16

Why is the game of things for adults?

it can be for kids too it just has some sort of inappropriate questions for younger kids that could lead to some weird questions if you know what i mean.

How are kids games rated?

There are many things that go into rating games for kids. Some things that are involved include blood and violence and the language used.

What social problems can overuse or inappropriate use of the internet cause?

it's makes kids to watch bad things like pornography

Why do kids love seeing people getting hit in the balls?

Mostly because the word balls is inappropriate and kids love inappropriate stuff.

Is tron legacy inappropriate for kids?

No. its PG....

How is vampire sucks inappropriate for kids?

first of its PG-13. this is because it has sexual content,adult content,adult language, and other things.