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There are three known taipan species. They are the coastal taipan, the inland taipan and the Central Ranges taipan. They can be found in Australia and Papua New Guinea.

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What is one snake that has poison?

There are many venomous snake species (about 400 species). Not all have the potency to kill people, though. Some of the more well-known species are... Puff Adder, European Adder, Cobra, Rattlesnake, Taipan & Belcher's Sea Snake.

Are taipan snakes poisionous?

They are a venomous species - yes.

What is the inland taipan in Australia?

The Inland Taipan is the most poisonous snake in the world. Also known as the fierce snake.

How many eggs does a taipan lay at a time?

a taipan lays 1000000 to 2000000ca day

What is the most poinsonous land snake?

Many say the Taipan. Describe the Taipan snake.

What is the worlds most venemous terrestrial snake and where is it found?

The inland Taipan - an Australian species.

What are the relatives of the inland taipan?

They are eaten by the Mulga Snake (Pseudechis Australis), also known as the King Brown, which is actually a species of Black Snake. They are immune to most Australian snake venom, and are the second largest venomous snake after the Coastal Taipan. The Perentie Goanna is Australia's' largest monitor lizard which actively hunts venomous snakes such as the Inland Taipan and King Brown, amongst others. It is also immune, or partially immune to most venom, but some venom may temporary immobilize it, or slow it down.

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What is the most venomous reptile?

The Fierce Snake also known Inland Taipan.

What is a baby taipan?

A baby taipan is a snake that has hatched from a egg of a mother taipan

How many species of snails are there?

there are 116,500 snail species known to man

How deadly is the Taipan snake?

because it has venom that is so strong that it can kill over 250,000 mice