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Each grasshopper only has one labium. The labium is the lower lip which is involved in crushing food into smaller pieces.

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9y ago

The grasshopper has one labium. The labium is located on the grasshopper's underside where the eggs come out of when giving birth.

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What do the labium do on a grasshopper?

The labium is the lower lip of the grasshopper. It has a sharp edge that allows the animal to break up food.

How many labrum do grasshoppers have?

A grasshopper has one labrum. It is the upper lip on a grasshopper. The labium is the lower lip.

What is the purpose of a grasshopper labium?

It is the upper lip of a grasshopper. Used to hold the food when it is eating.

What is the function of the labium in the grasshopper?

It assists manipulation of the food during mastication. That would be their Mandibles, Pincers, mouth parts etc.. I believe the term labium is in reference to their reproductive system.

How do mouth parts in a grasshopper work?

the same way our mouth works . ... with our penises

How many labium does grasshoppers have?

Grasshoppers lay eggs, so technically their Labia/Labium would be the orifice on their underside that the eggs come out of.

How is a grasshopper's mouth adapted for eating plants?

It has four leg like things near its mouth that is used to store food while it is eating, it is called the labium and the maxilla.

What are the medical terms meaning lower and upper lip?

A correct medical synonym for "upper lip" is "labium superius oris". A correct medical synonym for "lower lip" is "labium inferius oris".The anatomic term for the upper lip is the "labium superius oris" and the lower lip is "lower lip" is "labium inferius oris".

How many maxilla is on a a grasshopper?

There is 43 Maxilla on a Grasshopper.

How many hearts does a grasshopper have?

A grasshopper has one heart

How many syllables is there in the word grasshopper?

The word grasshopper has three syllables.

As afraid as a grasshopper meaning?

Grasshopper's have many prey, so they constantly hop away. The saying, as afraid as a grasshopper is referring to their propensity to hop away.