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The five "Great Lakes" of North America - Lakes Huron, Michigan, Superior, Ontario & Erie are all on the border. Lake St. Clair between Michigan and Ontario is another. Lake of the Woods, Sand Point Lake and Rainy Lake in Minnesota are some of the largest, but there are many other small lakes there. There are many smaller lakes that are on the border as well.

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Q: How many lakes in US and canada are connected?
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What are the series of lakes between Canada and the US?

The Great Lakes

How is Canada connected to US?

Canada is connected to the US because the US put a rope under the sea that's how we became connected :/

How many countries are connected by us highway?

Two. Mexico and Canada.

Are the US and Canada divided by the great lakes?

Some, but not all of Canada's Provinces are divided by the Great Lakes.

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The Great Lakes have contributed to the development of both the US and Canada by probably being the port that has given us the supplies we need to make the US and Canada.

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What is the name of the group of lakes between Canada and the west US?

Great Lakes

What is the name of the group os lakes between Canada and the US?

That is the Great Lakes

What are two physical features that the US and Canada share?

there are many. the great lakes atlantic pacific rockies great plains and Niagra Falls

What group of lakes forms part of the border between the us and Canada?

Great Lakes

Why are the Great Lakes important waterway?

they let transportation from the us to Canada or canada to the us much easier.

How many lakes share a border with Canada ad the US?

there are 6 major/ important ones but there are about 45