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Canada is connected to the US because the US put a rope under the sea that's how we became connected :/

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Q: How is Canada connected to US?
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What is Canada's economic relationship with US?

Almost every industry in Canada and the US are connected. Manufacturing is the most predominant.

Where in the US is Alaska?

Its connected to Canada, right above British Columbia and is connected to the Yukon Territory.

Is the US connected to a country by land?

Yes... Canada and Mexico

How is Canada connected to the US through immigration?

they share the largest border

How many countries are connected by us highway?

Two. Mexico and Canada.

Why is US Physically connected to Canada?

Because they both speak English. What else do you think.

What highland area in Canada is connected to the Appalachian Mountains in the US?

the aburuvian mountain range

Which side is Alaska to the rest of US?

Alaska is connected to Canada on the west side of the U.S.

Where is Canada Isn't a part of Australia?

No. it's connected to the northern US Australia is on the other side of the world.

Where is Alaska Greenland and the US on the map of Canada?

Alaska is a US state and is connected to Canada by land, it is its northwestern neighbor. The United States is directly south of Canada (contiguous US). Greenland is a Danish owned island off the East coast of Canada, it is also the largest island in the world.

Does Canada and US have the same kind of money?

Both currencies are called a "dollar" but their relative value isn't connected.

Do the us great plains run into Canada?

The area becomes the Prairies of Canada We make that distinction as there are important differences between the plains and prairies even though they are connected.