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Q: How many lambs are born from one sheep?
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How many offspring do lambs have?

Lambs are too young to have offspring. Ewes, as in adult female sheep, have lambs and normally have one or two but can have up to four at a time.

How many sheep to a band?

a band of sheep here in Colorado is 1000 head of mother ewes and lambs. Usually a black sheep(one) is allocated to a band of sheep for counting purposes in the fields.

What is more than one young sheep?

One young sheep is a lamb, more than one young sheep are lambs

What is the name for more than one young sheep?

lambs or weaners depending on their age

How many offspring do sheep give birth to?

I think it depends on the breed. Suffolks can have from just one lamb to triplets. I have also heard of quads being born in the Suffolk breed also.

What is the difference Lambs Wool and normal wool?

Lambs wool is wool that is shorn from a sheep under the age of 1. Only one shearing is possible to obtain lambs wool. It may be softer and finer, but basically the same as "regular" wool.

If a lamb turns into a sheep after one year why do we call the meat lamb and not sheep?

Because we usually eat lamb that atually comes from lambs that are around a year old. Sheep meat is called mutton.

How many lambs do sheep have a year?

Sheep come into heat one or two times a year depending on the breed. Usually they have more than one lamb per pregnancy. So one answer to this question might be from 1 (per eoestus) to 4 (two per estrous). That is what I think.

When are sheep sheered?

Usually in the very early "spring" Jan-Mar ****** Some sheep have their lambs at different times of the year. It is different for different breeds. Most do lamb in the late winter or early spring. We have a ewe that is mostly Finn Sheep, and she just had twins on Nov. 27. Finn Sheep are one breed that will breed and lamb "out of season".

Where can you buy a ram in Idaho?

If you want a ram for breeding, go to a sheep farmer before lambing season and order one. There are quite a few sheep farms in Idaho. The farmer needs to know you want a ram (an intact male sheep) before they're born, because it's pretty routine to castrate most or all the ram lambs born in a lamb crop.

How many lambs can a suffolk sheep have a year?

To ensure that the ewe is kept healthy Suffolks should be bred from the months of October to December, and then giving birth from February to May. You should only breed them once a year. As to the amount Suffolk sheep usually produce one lamb there first time, but after that they may produce two. In the years from 3-6 (there prime breeding years) they may produce three lambs. Be aware that although having 3 lambs at one time may be good profit wise, you may be bottle feeding one. Hope this helps!

Whats a mature male sheep called?

A female sheep is called a ewe. If you have a young baby sheep, it is called a ewe lamb. Some people call a female sheep a Yoe too. They become an adult sheep at one year of age.