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Most people who have four kids do about 4-5 loads of laundry per week (not counting bedding). People with two young children (toddlers) do around the same amount.

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Q: How many laundry loads per week for average family?
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Kate Gosselin is asked about laundry in most interviews. Over time she has stated that she does an average of 2 or 3 loads a day to keep up with the basic laundry needs of her family, with more laundry on days where she does towels, linens or seasonal clothing.

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Six to eight loads of laundry would not be unusual for a family of four with a normal capacity washer and dryer.

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I dry about 8 loads a week. It's easy to move one load from the washer to the dryer so it's not about separating it again, you just take a washed load and move it to the dryer. It's not a good idea to mix colors and whites in the dryer because lint can transfer between the items. **** : The first response to this question is ridiculous. : I do about 42 loads of laundry a year, that's less than one per week. I read that Proctor and Gamble claim that the average American family does 300 loads/ year, that's 6 loads/ week. I prefer to dry only about half of my washed clothes, so about 22 dryer loads a year.

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If you use one perfect cup, you can wash 35 loads with one box if it contains 35 cups of laundry detergent and you only use 1 cup per load of laundry. 35 divided by 1 =35 NOTE: By the way, usually 1 full cup is far too much for 1 load of laundry unless it is super dirty and is a very full load.

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Nice try kid. My son has the same homework as you do right now.

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loads and loads and loads, so many in fact that I don't know

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