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It may be nearly impossible to tell because of the overlap of vegetation.

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Q: How many layers does a stone of coal have?
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Is the stone coal igneos?

coal, coal,

Where does coal obtain its energy from?

Coal is the remains of ancient plant matter compressed by millions of tons of stone and dirt layers. So coal has energy that it got from those original plants. The plants got their energy from the Sun, mostly. So, it is acceptable to say that coal obtains its energy from the Sun.

Is seams the name of the layers of coal?

Yes, they are called coal seams.

How were coal deposits formed in western Canada during mesozoic era?

Layers of sediments compressed the layers of vegetation to form the coal deposits.

How we do coal?

By digging big holes (called coal mines) in the ground and separating the coal, rock, and soil in the material dug from those holes. Coal usually comes in layers (called seams) between layers of other sedimentary rocks.

What are layers of coal called?

The layers of coal are called peat, lignite, subbituminous, bituminous caol, and anthracite. Peat being the most inexpensive and anthracite being the most valuable. Most coal in use is bituminous. Another answer: A layer of coal in a mine is called a coal seam.

Over a long period of time the layers of sediment turn into?

It is sand. Edit: Over many thousands of years - sediment gets compressed and compacted into layers. The layers form rocks such as slate and coal.

How do we obtain coal?

By digging big holes (called coal mines) in the ground and separating the coal, rock, and soil in the material dug from those holes. Coal usually comes in layers (called seams) between layers of other sedimentary rocks.

What is a rock called when it is produced from layers of plants?


Where is coal deposited?

Coal is deposited usually in layers, underground, sometimes fairly close to the surface.

What is found in layers of moss that have been buried in wetlands and can be harvested and burned like coal?


How does mining coal cause enviromental problems?

when coal is mined from earths surface,people remove the layers of soil above the coal