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Q: How many letters are in the cuneiform alphabet?
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How are the Phoenician alphabet and cuneiform same?

Those were very different. Cuneiform was hard to learn with many symbols. The Phoenician alphabet had 22 letters so it was easier to master.

How is the Phoenicians alphabet and cuneiform different?

Those were very different. Cuneiform was hard to learn with many symbols. The Phoenician alphabet had 22 letters so it was easier to master.

What do the cuneiform and the Phoenician have in common?

Those were very different. Cuneiform was hard to learn with many symbols. The Phoenician alphabet had 22 letters so it was easier to mast

How are the Phoenician alphabet and cuneiform writing different?

The Phoenician Alphabet was a phonetic system with 22 letters that represent consonants. The Cuneiform system used pictographs to represent entire words and concepts, and had many thousands of characters.

How was the Greek alphabet different from the Phoenician alphabet?

That cuneiform are pictures and the other one are typ of kind of like leters and pictures

Is cuneiform a true alphabet?

No, cuneiform is not a true alphabet. It is a system of writing that uses symbols to represent syllables or individual sounds, rather than individual letters like an alphabet. It was used in ancient Mesopotamia.

How many letters are they in the alphabet?

the alphabet has 26 letters in it

What are facts about ancient Mesopotamia alphabet facts?

One fact is that the alphabet was easier than cuneiform.

How many letters are there in Philippine alphabet?

The official Philippine alphabet has 28 letters.

How many letters are in the phonecian alphabet?

There were 22 letters in the Phoenician alphabet.

Who many letters are in the alphabet?

The English language alphabet has 26 letters.