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Q: How many light bulbs get thrown away every year?
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Why switch to energy saving bulbs?

Energy saving light bulbs have a couple perks about them. One, is there is a much cleaner manufacturing process with less waste. Two, they can help conserve electricity resulting in lower power bills every month - and less power needed to be generated. Three, they last longer so that fewer are thrown away into landfills.

How many nappies are thrown away in England every day?

Each day, more that 3,000 nappies are thrown away.

How many cans are thrown away each minute?

90,000 cans are thrown away every minute by Americans ourselves.Sad, huh?

Why are fluorescent lamps classified as hazardous waste?

Fluorescent lamps or light bulbs contain various amounts of mercury in them. When they are thrown away they are eventually broken and the mercury can leak out. That makes them hazardous to people, animals, and the environment.

What should you do if you ate a light bulb?

Go to the hospital right away. Light bulbs are not edible.

If every year 50 million flea collars are thrown away How many flea collars are thrown away per day?

137000 per day.

How many paper clips are thrown away every day?

Around 309537.


On the site, it states that 1 million pounds of trash is thrown away per person every year.

When was Thrown Away created?

Thrown Away was created in 1888.

How much plastic is thrown away every year?

Over 25 billion metric tons

Are the fluorescent bulbs going away or the actual fixture?

It is unlikely that actual light fixtures will be going away any time soon. Fluorescent bulbs will eventually be obsolete as LED and newer technologies take over.