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Enough so she can see what she's doing.

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Q: How many light sources must a tattoo artist use while working?
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What does a tattoo artist use to tattoo?

Well generally we would use a drawing on a light box to take an outline from a design that you would bring in, assuming it would be a non custom piece. besides that we would use a thermo fax or hand trace the design on carbon paper to get our stencil

What are light sources and non light sources?

The sources that can give out their own light are "Light Sources" and the same opposite the sources which can not give out their own light are know as Non Light Sources .

How do you produce light?

We are not sources of light so we do not give off light.Light is given off by sources such as the Sun and Stars.Things that are not light sources reflect light into our eyes so we can see them.

Identify two sources of white light?

The two sources of white light are: *visible light *The Sun.

How the light pen is useful for artist?

A light pen is a useful device for artists. A photosensitive cell is mounted at it's tip and so it is useful for drawing or any other work but the artist working on it feels freely and can draw as if he's using a sketch pencil used for drawing.So that is how light pen is useful for artists. by r.k (R.I.S)

Can you put glow in the dark on your skin?

no, because it might make you sick through your pores Actually there is tattoo ink available now that does glow in the dark. It is very luminescent under a black light. I have a friend who is a tattoo artist, and she has done several of these tattoos, they appear exactly like any other tattoo...until you see them under a black light. It's actually very cool. I have lots of tats, but none of this nature. I don't plan to get any, but I certainly feel that they are safe.

Are all heat sources are light sources?


What are light source?

Many things are considered sources of light. A fire, lamp, and the sun are the main sources of light.

Is a candle flame a light sources?

yes it is it is a light sources don't you know that stupid

Can you see a uv tattoo?

only in uv light

Is it normal for color to rub off after getting a tattoo?

Yes and no. if it is sorta peeling off then that's fine, but if a lot comes off like to the point you can almost see regular skin, then it means your artist had a light hand and they should give you a free touch up they will figure something out if they are a good artist

Difference between of natural and artificial sources of light?

The difference between natural and artificial sources of light is that natural sources are produced by the sun while artificial light sources illuminate using energy from other sources and include incandescent bulbs.