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Q: How many lily pads does it take to fill your pond?
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If there's one lily pad in a pond and it doubles its size each day and it takes 30 days for the pond to fill up how long will it take for two lily pads to fill up the pond?

The humorous answer is to say "there aren't two lily pads in the pond, only one." The mathematical answer is that identical lily pads would take 29 days to fill the pond (not 15), because after the first day, a single lily pad would be twice its size, or the same size as the set of two would be to start out.

How do pond plants grow?

lily pads

What plants are in a pond?

really all i can think is lily pads

Do pond snails eat lily pads?

i think so

If it takes 10 days for the lily pads to cover half of a pond how many more days will it take for them to completely?

It should take about 1 more day because the number off lily pads in a pond double every day

What kind of plants are in a pond?

Lily pads, water lettuce, and cattail.

What type of plant grows in a pond?

algae, lily pads, bulrushes and pond weed! hope i helped!

Lily pads have started to grow in a 40-acre pond The pads double in size each day and will take 40 days to cover the pond Which day will the pads cover half of the pond?


How do three frogs on each side of the pond get to the other side with 7 lily pads?

they jump?

What eats lily pads?

no lily pads do not eat because they are plants but they do have roots.

What plants live in the pond?

Aquatic plants, such as water lilies, duck weed etc.

What do you follow to get to the pond on Pocket Frogs?

Nothing, you just click on your frog then click on pond. Only thing you follow is lily pads, but that leads you nowhere (in summary).