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Q: How many liters of blood loss can lead to shock?
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What type of shock involves blood loss?

traumatic shock

What is hypovolic shock?

Excessive loss of blood

Is most common form of shock hypovolemic shock?

only that form of shock caused by large scale loss of blood.

What percent of blood loss is needed to cause shock?

A healthy adult has 5 Liters of circulating blood and another 500 ml as reserve in the spleen. Loss of up-to 500 ml of blood will not usually produce any tachycardia or hypo-tension unless fear of blood loss occurs in an otherwise healthy person.

How much blood loss is dangerous?

4 liters, the human body holds 5 liters of blood. Now losing 4 liters is still technically survivable if the bleeding can be stopped right away.

How much blood loss is lethal to a human?

A large adult male has approximately 6 liters of blood - loss of 33% or 2 liters is fatal. Often (depending on the physical condition of the person) 25% to 40% blood loss is fatal.

Shock is caused by?

Shock is usually caused by trauma, blood loss, dehydration or massive infection

Why does shock occur in a person?

to numb pain or loss of blood

Which type of shock results from blood loss?

Technically blood loss is Hypovolemia, which is a state of decreased blood volume, or more specifically blood plasma. Therefore blood loss is classified as Hypovolemic Shock, which, although independently referred to on its own, can also fall into the class of Distributive Shock. This is caused by any form of hypoxia, which more often then not, is a relative form of Hypovolemia, or blood loss. So essentially- Hypovolemic Shock=Distributive Shock as it = a relative form of Hypovolemia So if you are trying to be specific to an the issue, use HS, but if you want a category that also pertains to other similar shock types, use DS.

What are the causes of shock?

blood loss, injury, internal bleeding, illness

What cause hypovolemic shock?

Hypovolemic shock is primarily caused by poor perfusion, usually from excess blood or fluid loss from the body. Hypovolemic shock is the most common type of pre-hospital shock often resulting from moderate or severe trauma.

Hypovolemic shock cause by severe burns is the result of a loss of?

whole blood