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Lungfish have 2 lungs but the Australian lungfish has 1.

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Q: How many lungs do lungfish have?
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Related questions

What has lungs and gills?

The lungfish has both gills and lungs.

What types of fish have lungs?

Polypetus and lungfish

Do lungfish have simpler lungs then frogs?


How long has lungfish been around?

As soon as it developed lungs

Is there a fish which can survive on land?

yes it's the lungfish, it has lungs and gills

What is the relationship between lungfish and amphibians?

The relationship between the lungfishes and amphibians is that the lung fishes have lungs unlike amphibians who don't because they depend on water

How do the lungs of an African lungfish work?

The same way as other animals with "lungs". Air is taken into the body and gaseous exchange occurs with the red blood cells. The "lungs" of a lungfish are much simpler in structure than those of a mammal. They are just simple sacs, rather then the spongelike structures of mammal lungs. The general way they work is the same as a mammal's lungs, but they are not as efficient, having a smaller surface area.

The lungfish doesn't needs gills because it has lungs but what do most fish use their gills for?

To breathe wc917

How has the American lungfish adapted to its environment?

Streamlined body and large lungs are some of the adaptation of the lung fish.

What are the 4 types of lungfish?

The four types of lungfish are the south American lungfish, the African lungfish

What fish has modified gas bladders that act as lungs allowing it to breathe air and survive for months without water?

the lungfish

How long can a lungfish live out of water?

for many months