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Less than 1% I've found a good detailed article on why men leave women. It is at They leave their wives because there are so many sites offering married dating like

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Ruth Houston - a cheated-on wife who exacted her revenge by writing a book called 'Is he Cheating?' and reinventing herself on TV as an infidelity expert both here and in the US - confirms: "studies show that only three per cent of the cheating husbands who divorce their wives marry their mistresses, and when they do these marriages have a very high failure rate - between 75 and 90 per cent.

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Q: Divorce statistics when men marry the mistress?
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If a married man told his ex mistress when I see you I am going to think about what we did does that mean he does not think about it when he goes home knowing he was caught cheating?

It's possible that he still thinks about it when he goes home, but his comment suggests that seeing his ex mistress may trigger specific memories or thoughts related to their past actions. It's important to consider the context and communication style between the individuals involved to fully understand the meaning behind his statement.

What does it mean if a married man told his mistress he hasn't kissed anyone as long or as much as he kissed her?

When a married man tells his mistress he has never kissed anyone as long or as much as her is lying through his teeth. Married men when single had at least one or more girlfriends and then they chose the girl they married so passions were high at the time. Married men tell mistresses what they want to hear because it is all about sex. The statistics for a mistress having a married man get a divorce and marry her is extremely low so he is basically using her for his own selfish needs and the mistress ends up losing her self respect.

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Historically, many men had a mistress or concubine. As did many women. It was an accepted lifestyle.There are circumstances where a partner will accept and even allow their partner to have a lover. Generally in today's societies it is not acceptable though it is not illegal. It may be grounds for a divorce.

Do married men jealous over their mistress?

Yes, some men get jealous over their mistress, but this does not always mean the married man loves the mistress, but some men feel she is their property and in only a very few cases is it truly love. Remember, this married man has a wife and he would be jealous if his wife had another man on the string. Mistresses often lose when a wife is involved and if the cheating man really cared about the affair she would not be his mistress; he would get a divorce and either live with her or marry her.

Coming from a man who has been in this position does he think about his mistress after he gets caught cheating and stops talking to her for now and if so how often?

Each man is different as to how often he may think of his mistress. Some men may feel ashamed of cheating on their wife; other men are just sorry they got caught; some men will wait until things cool down with their wife and then go back to their mistress. Cheating is selfish because the husband does not care how he will hurt his wife and possibly any children they may have together. Cheating is the lowest form of hurt one human can do to an another. If a man is that unhappy in his marriage and loves the mistress then he can be a man and get a divorce and marry the mistress. The odd thing is few men ever marry their mistresses and simply use a mistress for sex.

Does a mistress end up marrying the married man she is seeing?

Married men who cheat on their wives and have a mistress generally use the mistress for a sexual relationship; feeling the freedom he is not married to her and can either go back to his wife when he is bored with the mistress or, if he is caught cheating by his wife or he decides to divorce his wife then he would want him freedom and the statistics of a married man divorcing and marrying his mistress is very low; generally he just wants to do as he pleases and doesn't care if he hurts women along the way.

What is the percentage of men divorce to marry millionairesses?

Does anyone know or really care

Why would a married man ignore your text when everything was good?

Most married men who cheat love the idea of the excitement and pleasure they receive from their mistress, but in most cases it is short lived. Married men often lie to their mistress so you are not really sure what feelings he had for you. Generally married men never marry their mistress.

Does a married man often lets down his mistress?

Yes, married men can often let their mistress down as they are often bound to their families and their family will come first and the mistress will be the last on the food chain of life. Men often have a mistress to gain their youth back; sex is at the forefront and romance is heated for a short time, but as the relationship with the mistress persists some married men will become bored with her or, if the wife finds out and threatens to divorce him, married men often choose to let the mistress go and they stay with the wife.

Married man love affair?

Married men should be off limits to either single women or married women of any age. There use to be a code where most women didn't go after a married man, but unfortunately the morals of today are sadly abused and it seems anything goes. Women who go after married men or say yes to a married man are cheap and all they generally become is a mistress and the married man may be caught up in his mistress because it is a new relationship, but if he cheated on his wife he generally will cheat on his mistress or, he will become bored with her. The mistress almost always loses out and married men often go back to their wives or, if they don't they will simply move on. It is a very low percentage where married men will divorce and either live with their mistress or marry her.

Men with this are more prepared to marry than men without it what is it?

== == * Lots of money. == == * Commitment and guts! A previous divorce. * A fiance == == * A girlfriend; A ring; A fiance or a suit.

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