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Q: How many meals do swallows feed their young ones?
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How many time a day do the baiji feed?

They eat 6 meals a day.

What kind of food does a swallow eat?

Swallows are insectivorous feeding on the many tiny insects which fly through the atmosphere. They feed exclusively on the wing not on the ground.

What do young wild mice eat I found a young injured wild mouse What does it eat and how do I feed it?

There are many things you could feed a wild mouse. You could feed it alfalfa and see if it will eat it.

How do amphibians feed their young?

They don't! Most amphibians are generally independent from the moment they are born. However some, such as the worm, feed their young their own flesh. Amphibians do not feed their young. They lay the eggs in water and leave them to fend for themselves. They are also quite likely to eat their own young. That is why they have so many eggs.

How often do you feed kittens?

Kittens, young ones in particular, have tiny stomachs, so the best way to feed them is "little and often". For young kittens, five or six small meals a day is ideal. As the kitten gets bigger you can start to feed it more food in each meal, and slowly reduce the number of meals. Many feed older kittens (ones that are around six to eight months old) three or four meals, as this is when growth spurts become more apparent and a kitten will need much more food at these times. It is best to feed it at set times, mainly because it is easier to monitor how much the kitten is eating, and if for some reason the kitten's appetite changes, it can be quickly dealt with.

Is it better for horses to have 2 or 3 large meals or many many small meals?

Horses are grazers and if left to their own devices would eat 20 hours a day. So many small meals are more natural to the digestion. But for domestic horses that don't have access to large pastures and rely on humans for their meals make due with 2 or 3 larger meals. It's just more convienent for people to feed like this.

How many type of swallows are there?


How many times a dog should you fed a dog?

well it depends on the type if dog, if its big or little, and if its old or young so for big sized young dogs i would do two big meals and for little dog that is young or old two little meals for a better answer i would ask a vet

In prehistoric society the need to feed and care for the young led to what?

many homeless people

When planning meals what two thing should you take into account?

I really think it's dollars and change. ------------------------------------------------------------- Your budget and how many people you are going to have to feed.

Is the male cardinal the only parent to feed his babies that are still in the nest?

Nidifugous young have to be fed by a parent, otherwise they'd starve. Both sexes of most passerines, and many other birds, feed their young.

What kills many barn swallows?

collapsing barns