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Q: How many men and women was hanged?
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How many men and women were killed during the Salem witchcraft trails how were they killed?

Nineteen people, fourteen women and five men, were hanged for witchcraft during the Salem witch panic. Another was pressed to death during court proceedings.

How many people were hanged during the Salem Witch Trials?

19 people were hanged in the Salem Witch Trials and 1 (an old man) was killed by "pressing" because he refused a trial.

How many women were hanged for the assassination of Lincoln?

Mary Surratt was found guiilty by a military tribunal and was hanged.

Were men and boys put to the witch trial?

Men were accused, tried and executed in witchcraft trials, but less often than women. In Salem, for example, out of 19 hanged, 5 were men.

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They were hanged because the stole items from the raid

Why are there only LEGO men not LEGO women?

There Are Many Lego Men but not many Lego Women

Did the Salem witch hunt only include women?

No 14 women and five men were hanged as witches before the trials where over. Several others died in prison or were lynched by angry mobs after their release..

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Some are, most are not. Women don't kill or harm as many men harm men, or men harm women.

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Women are not inferior to men, although many men believe that this is true.

How many men and how many women athletes were in the first Winter Olympics?

245 men, 13 women

Which president hanged two men?

It was Grover Cleveland

What happens to many of the Handmaidens?

they were hanged