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Q: How many men did Odysseus lose in battle with the cicones?
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What was the first trial Odysseus faced?

After Odysseus' triumph at the battle of Troy, on his way home to Ithaca, Poseidon punished Odysseus for his cruel selfishness by banishing him on the island of the Cicones where him and his crew slaughtered many men and raped the women there.

What mistakes did Odysseus and his men make on Ismarus?

Odysseus and his men sack and city and divide the spoils. Afterwards, Odysseus encourages the men to leave, however, they decide to stay and eat. When they did, the Cicones returned the next morning in great number and Odysseus lost many men. He then left and continued on his journey to Ithaca.

What happened on the land of the Cicones?

Odysseus and his men sack the city of Ismarus, kill many of the men and take their wives and booty, which include wine, money, and sheep. Odysseus spares Maron, a priest of apollo, who gives him much concentrated wine, 7 talents of gold, and a bowl of silver. Odysseus tells his men to return to the ship, but they do not obey, instead reveling in their spoils. Meanwhile, some of the Cicones had escaped and warned their brothers who brought many troops with chariots to fight off the Greeks. They end up killing about 70 men, (6 from each ship), before Odysseus and his men retreat.

How was Odysseus' journey wide ranging?

Odysseus' journey took him to many lands and islands between Ithaca and Troy, and even to the land of Hades. He met many types of people, beast, and creature, as well as many gods. He dealt with warriors like the Cicones, enchantresses like Circe, the dead such as the seer Tiresias, the nymph Calypso, as well as many other respected Greeks.

How many men did Odysseus lose to Scylla?

Odysseus' crew lost six men when passing Scylla, one man for each head of Scylla.

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What was the first trial Odysseus faced?

After Odysseus' triumph at the battle of Troy, on his way home to Ithaca, Poseidon punished Odysseus for his cruel selfishness by banishing him on the island of the Cicones where him and his crew slaughtered many men and raped the women there.

What mistakes did Odysseus and his men make on Ismarus?

Odysseus and his men sack and city and divide the spoils. Afterwards, Odysseus encourages the men to leave, however, they decide to stay and eat. When they did, the Cicones returned the next morning in great number and Odysseus lost many men. He then left and continued on his journey to Ithaca.

What happened on the land of the Cicones?

Odysseus and his men sack the city of Ismarus, kill many of the men and take their wives and booty, which include wine, money, and sheep. Odysseus spares Maron, a priest of apollo, who gives him much concentrated wine, 7 talents of gold, and a bowl of silver. Odysseus tells his men to return to the ship, but they do not obey, instead reveling in their spoils. Meanwhile, some of the Cicones had escaped and warned their brothers who brought many troops with chariots to fight off the Greeks. They end up killing about 70 men, (6 from each ship), before Odysseus and his men retreat.

How was Odysseus' journey wide ranging?

Odysseus' journey took him to many lands and islands between Ithaca and Troy, and even to the land of Hades. He met many types of people, beast, and creature, as well as many gods. He dealt with warriors like the Cicones, enchantresses like Circe, the dead such as the seer Tiresias, the nymph Calypso, as well as many other respected Greeks.

How many men did Odysseus lose to Scylla?

Odysseus' crew lost six men when passing Scylla, one man for each head of Scylla.

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odysseus had 12 ships when he made it to leastrygonians he came off that island with only one ship left

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How many men did Odysseus lose to the cyclopes'?

When the cyclopes first returns, he eats two of Odysseus's men on the spot, later two more are eaten. A total of four men

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Odysseus lost no men on the island of the lotus eaters. He was able to retrieve the 3 men that had succumbed to the lotus' temptation.

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hero faces many trials

What happens to Oysseus and his men when they are on the island of Cicones?

In book nine of the Odyssey written by Homer, Odysseus and his men take Ismara (a city) by surprise and slay most of the Ciconian men they come across, taking Ciconian women as slaves. Later Ciconian reinforcements arrive and attack the invading Achaeans, killing so many of them that Odysseus and his men are forced to flee in their ships.

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