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Women work in the professional environment today because so many men were drafted for WWII. There were no men left to run the factories, and women had to do the job. I can only guess to the hundreds of thousands that were drafted... Over 1,000,000 allied forces were involved in D-Day. If my grandma had to pay for sugar with Uncle Sam food stamps, you can bet your keister men were drafted. Hitler was going to conquer the world.

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Q: How many men did the US draft in World War 2?
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How were men recruited in world war 2?

90% by the draft

How many men dodged the draft?

The Vietnam War had 16 million men that avoided US military service (dodged the draft).

How many people did the union draft?

Over 3,000 Men was drafted into that war.

What are the letters that are sent to ask people to go in the army in World War 2?

When men are called to war it is called a Draft.

How did America get more men in world war 1?

To increase the size of the military, congress instituted the draft.

What statement is true about the draft during the Vietnam war was true?

many young men were drafted

What was world war draft classification 3A?

WWII draft classification 3A was men deferred because they had dependents (the "3") and not engaged in work essential to national defense (the "A").

What forced men into the army in the Civil War?

The Draft.

What was the conscription in World War I?

Conscription is another word for the draft. Men were required to join the military/navy or RFC and serve.

How the draft impacted men during the Vietnam War?

A few rejected the draft and headed for Canada.

Did men fight in World War I?

Yes, many men fought in the world war 1. There were soldiers as well as ordinary men.

What is the answer to the analogy draft is to war as what is peacetime?

During the Viet war..."draft" meant forcing men into the military. Draft=Conscription. Conscription CAN also occur during peacetime.