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There is no set amount of 'men' required to play Warhammer, as it is a points and unit based system. Each character or unit of 'men' (Elves, dragons, Chaos Space Marines, Monsters... the list goes on) is worth a set amount of points. When you play a game or Warhammer 40,000 or Warhammer Fantasy, you and your opponent will agree on a certain points limit for the battle.

You select units for your army, ensuring that the sum total of their points does not exceed the total agreed upon by the waring parties. The force you select also has to include certain elements, and these differ between then Warhammer systems.

To play a Warhammer 40,000 game, you have to have a HQ (Commander type character) and two units of troops.

For Warhammer Fantasy you must take a Lord, and two units of core.

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