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Q: How many men made the ride to warn the colonists?
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In paul revere's ride what was his mission?

To warn the colonists that the British soldiers were coming.

Who rode with Paul Revere on his midnight ride to warn colonists that the Regulars are Coming?


How many men made the ride to warn the people?

One in the story Paul revere if u r looking for that one.....

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Who did Paul warn of the British regulars?

How did Paul revere warn the colonists that the British were coming?

What did Paul Revere say to warn colonials in the countryside?

According to legend, he said "The British are coming, The British are coming," but modern historians have questioned whether that is actually how he phrased it. For one thing, there was no United States yet, so the colonists were in fact British. For another, Revere was making a ride in secret to warn the colonists to be ready, and it is doubtful he shouted out any warnings that might attract unnecessary attention. Thus, while he certainly did warn the colonists, it is doubtful he said "The British are coming."

How does Paul die in the poem?

In the poem "Paul Revere's Ride" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Paul Revere does not die. The poem recounts his historic ride to warn American colonists of the approaching British troops during the American Revolutionary War.

Why did Paul Revere ride?

Revere was paid 30 schillings to ride to Concord to warn if the British regulars were on the move towards the town from Charlestown. He never made it since he was arrested early in his ride of 20 miles.

What was revere trying to do on his ride?

Paul Reveres ride was to warn Concord that the red coats are coming.

Who was the African American patriot who made an all-night ride from Boston to warn his community of british invasion?

Wentworth Cheswell

Who made a midnight ride to warn the people of lexington and concord?

Paul Revere made a midnight run to warn the people of Lexington and Concord. He cried to them, "The British are Coming, The British are Coming!" He never reached Concord, but told all of Lexington.

Who was the patriot that rode to warn Lexington?

Paul Revere rode into Lexington to warn the colonists. That's where the saying "The British are coming" comes from.