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Q: How many mentally retarded children did hitler killed?
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Who were killed besides Jews in the Holocaust?

Anyone Hitler believed didn't have morals, like homosexuals.

Who did Hitler kill?

Hitler killed, Jews homosexuals anyone mentally or physically handicapped gypsies communists blacks

What happened to people that were mentally retarded during the holocaust?

It all depends. If they got in trouble with the law, frequently they were sent to mental hospitals rather than Prisons, and this was considered more humane than tossing them in with hardened criminals. Very often retarded people were sterilized to prevent them from committing sexual crimes. This was very controversial but it was done, and in fact was endorsed by such a famous judge as Oliver Wendell Holmes.

What did world war 2 allow Hitler to do to the mentally ill?

They were among the first people that Hitler killed. He considered them "useless eaters."

What kind of children did Hitler kill?

Hitler killed Jewish children and people because he hated the Jews

Did Hitler killed his children?

Hitler didn't have childen of his own.

What was grafeneck asylum in Nazi Germany?

It was confiscated by the Nazis and about 10,500 mentally and physically handicapped people were killed there. It was the first place where huge numbers of people were killed in gas chambers.

Who killed Hitler's children?

his mon because they had a poonis and it exploded

Did the Nazis only murder people of the Jewish heritage?

No, the Nazis, under Hitler's rule/orders, killed: gypsies, homosexuals, the mentally and physically retarded people, Jews, Soviet citizens, Soviet prisoners of war, Ethnic Poles, political and religious people who disagreed with him. He also killed you if you didn't meet his Aryan race standards (blond hair, blue eyes).

How did Hitler kill the children?

Most of them were killed with poison gas, many were killed by starvation, or were shot.

How did Hitler treat minorities?

Badly. National Socialism valued strength in conformity, and minorities of any sort were viewed as a threat to the security of the state. For example, mentally ill and mentally challenged Germans were killed, secretly even from their families, soon after Hitler became Chancellor.

What was Hitler guilty of?

Hitler was never charged in court because he killed himself at the end of the war, but because of the campaign he led 6 million Jews and many other groups were killed. Including homosexuals, mentally deranged and people who were not sufficient for the country.