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Q: How many miles do Muslims walk on the hajj?
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Why do Muslims have to walk around the Ka'bah?

Walking around Kabah is essential part of Hajj and Umrah as it is ordered by Allah.

What is the Kaba and why is it significant for Muslims?

The Kaaba is a sacred structure located at the center of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is considered the holiest site in Islam and Muslims around the world face it during their daily prayers. The Kaaba is significant for Muslims as it symbolizes the unity of the Muslim community and serves as a focal point for their worship and pilgrimage rituals.

What does the word haj mean?

Hajj is the fifth pillar in Islam, it is were Muslims walk around the Kaaba(a holy building) seven times.

What is ka'bar?

it is a big black bosxs that has a magic stone (sent from allah) inside it muslims walk areound it 7 times durin hajj

How do Muslims do the hajj?

These days, generally be aeroplane. Those living close to the Hajj sites would travel by bus or walk. ___________________________________________________________________ Current;y, they go by air (flights), water (ships), or by land (buses or on foot).

How many miles can you walk on on the titanic?

You can walk fo about 2 miles

How fast it take to walk in hajj?

Sa-saye ,is the part of hajj in with you should run normal but not walking.

What is hajj the 5th pillar of Islam?

Hajj is another word for "Pilgramage." It is where Muslims go to the Ka'aba in Mecca, and run/walk around it seven times. Also, men must shave their heads. Other things done at Hajj are throwing stones at a stone pillar representing Satan, or Shatan, and running between the two hills Safa and Marwa seven times.

How many miles from Dayton to Philadelphia?

You'd have to walk 500 miles, then walk 500 more.

Is someone has to walk 3.8 miles how many centimeters did they walk?

3.8 miles = 611550.72 cm.

If you walk 5 miles how many kilometers do you walk?

You will walk 8.04672 km

How many miles is safe to walk?

It is safe to walk any number of miles. Limited only by your stamina.