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When Walt Disney purchased 47 square miles that were to become WDW as we know it today, the property was nothing more than desolate swampland, scrub forests, and groves. Massive amounts of earth had to be moved to transform this area into what's become the world's number one vacation destination. Since much of central Florida is, in essence, a thin layer of land "floating" on a body of water, Disney faced a daunting ecological challenge. It had to transform the area without damaging the water supply because if any part of it were damaged or destroyed, it would have caused a massive ecological imbalance that would have affected the entire region. To ensure the area's environmental health, Disney set aside 7,500-acre Conservation Area in 1970 and developed a system of more than 43 miles of canals and 22 miles of levees that blend into the natural landscape and control the water levels automatically.

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Q: How many miles of drainage canals are there on WDW property?
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