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Q: How many miles per say does a monarch butterflies?
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How high do butterflies fly?

Butterflies have been seen flying up to 1,000 feet high. They can also fly as fast as 30 miles per hour, but usually average about miles per hour.

How many miles do butterflies travel during winter migration?

How many miles a butterfly travels during winter migration varies by the species and their location. Some species of butterflies have been known to travel over 4,000 miles.

What are facts about butterflies?

Did you know?· Monarchs have the longest and largest insect migration in North America, traveling up to 8,000 km per year!· Some of the Monarch Butterflies are poisonous· The Monarch Butterfly breathes through its wings· The Monarch Butterfly is also called a milkweed butterflyThe longest recorded flight of a monarch butterfly is over 3,000 miles. While migrating, it can cover 80 miles a day.yes there are like butterflies can taste with their feet and also they use their antennas to smell. does that answer your question?Butterflies also digest from their mouth.. They also migrate to the south.They migrate south,They weigh lesser than paper,There are also over 23,00 types of butterfliesthey can live for only 3 to 5 daysAs they get older, they begin to grow sharp teeth so that they are able to ward off competing male butterflies if one dares to tread in its territory.Females, on the other hand, fill with a liquid as they age, and if they land too heavily, they can "pop"Did you know?...Butterflies taste with their feet. They can blend in with the environment (only some butterfliesof course!!!!!!!!!!!!They come in different shapes, sizes, and colors, moths are also a butterfly but they come out at night and butterflies come out at day...they are an invertabrates.their predators are frogs,lizards,and many speciesof carnivous insects and spiders.their defense is blending in with their surroundings.....Interesting facts about butterflies include that they all have four wings. Butterflies use their feet to taste and there are over 15,000 species of butterflies.Colorful, can fly, and are insects

How many days it take a monarch butterfly to fly to Mexico at 60 km per day?

how many days it take a monarch butterfly to flay to mexico at 60 km per day

How far does a Monarch butterfly migrate in one day?

One tagged Monarch butterfly was caught 265 miles away from where it had been released the previous day.(This was the record flight Urquhart tagging program. The butterfly was tagged in Waterford, Pennsylvania and recaptured at a site in Virgina.) Hope this gives you a good idea!

How many miles per hour is 70 miles per second?

70 miles per second is 252,000 miles per hour.

How many miles per hour is 3600 miles per minute?

216,000 miles per hour.

How many miles per minute is 18 miles per hour?

0.3 miles per minute.

52 miles per second equals how many miles per hour?

52 miles per second = 187,200 miles per hour.

How fast do hummingbirds beat their wings?

it doesnt. butterflies lack hearts. __ Butterflies do have hearts. It's the length of their body and is beats about 50- 60 beats per minute. The link shows a cool drawing of a butterfly heart and how it works.

How many miles per minute at 4mph?

Four miles per hour equates to 0.067 miles per minute.

How many miles per gallon does a Yukon get?

16.5 miles per gallon