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If you rotate the tires every 10,000 miles, and keep the air pressure at the automobile manufactures recommended level you should get 40,000+ miles out of a decent set of tire. Replace the tires when they are worn to 2/32" tread depth.

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Q: How many miles should you get out of a set of tires?
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How many miles before you change tires?

You change tires when they are worn out, not at a set mileage.

How many miles can you drive on a new set of tires on a new Bentley. How many miles until one needs to replace the brake pads?

There is no set number of miles. It greatly depends on the driver and driving conditions. Have the tires and brakes inspected whenever the car is serviced.

How many times can you drive round the earth on one set of tires?

If you had good road conditions throughout the trip, a good set of tires would last the equivalent of about 2 trips around the Earth. The Earth is about 24,000 miles around and good tires are rated at about 50,000 miles.

How many miles should tires last?

There is no real answer to this question. I depends on too many factors. The quality of the tire, how the car is driven, if the tires are rotated/balanced and the front end kept in perfect alignment, if the tire pressure is kept at the correct level, how fast you take off and stop, how fast you drive, and many other things that only you can control. I would say that a decent set of tires should last 40,000 miles unless they are neglected.

How long will a set of tires last?

Since there are different types of tires, the average length is between 15,000 and 50,000 miles.

What kind of warranty comes with Goodyear Allegra tires?

The warranty on a set of Goodyear Allegra tires is 80,000 miles on the tread. When you purchase the tires you are given a certificate for free replacement. You should consult the shop you buy them from as this may vary from store to store.

How many miles can you get out of a set of super swamper radial trxus mud terrian tires?

Not much they wear the middle down in 1 year

Has there ever been a recall on goodyear assurance P22560R18 tires?

No recall but there should be. A new model of this tire replaced the old but I'm stuck with a set of Goodyear Assurance 60,000 mile tires and have only 20,000 miles on them and the 2 back tires are already worn out.

Are Primewell tires good?

no they aren't. I bought a set last summer and have put less than 7000 miles on them and the front 2 are worn out. I don't speed, don't drive recklessly, and am a good driver. 7000 miles out of a set of tires with a 40k warranty is pathetic

How much is spent on tires per year for the average person?

Tires are not bought each year, but at a total of miles used. So, a set of tires usually lasts about 4 years depending on how they are driven. A set runs about 400-800 depending on the brand and size.

When should the wheels be alligned on my nissan x-trail?

If you are rotating your tires every 5000 to 6000 miles and keeping the recommended air pressure look at your tires to see how they are wearing. If they are wearing even across then there is no reason to align them but if they are wearing uneven then it may be time for a alignment. It is better to do this right after installing a new set of tires if the old tires are badly worn.

What is the average price to have a set of used tractor tires retreaded?

The average price to have a set of used tractor tires retreaded is around $100 - $150 dollars per tire. Retreaded tires should only be considered if the tires are less than 5 years old.