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Q: How many miles to turn around an aircraft carrier?
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Is flight deck an aircraft carrier?

There is a flight deck on an aircraft carrier but, it is not an aircraft carrier as there are many other ships that have flight decks on them. The amphibious assault ship is a good example.

How many fighter jets can fit on an aircraft carrier?

there are many diffrent kinds of carriers, a super carrier can hold 113 aircraft

How many pounds is a aircraft carrier?

It's very difficult to measure an aircraft carrier in pounds. They are about 70,000 to 96,000 tons.

How many crew on an aircraft carrier in 2010?


How many aircraft carrier does british have?

Nearly 1

How many arresting wires on the deck of an aircraft carrier?


How many aircraft are there in a fleet?

In a fleet there would be as many as 50+ aircrafts. It depends of it is a aircraft carrier or some other base.

How many people on an aircraft carrier?

The current generation USS Nimitz supercarriers (the largest ever built) require a crew of about 3200 sailors, and an aircrew of about 2500. The next-generation Ford-class supercarriers reduce this number through automation by almost 20%, to roughly 4700 crew total. For comparison, the prototypical WW2 aircraft carrier, the USS Essex class, had a total crew of 2600.

How many aircraft can a carrier carry?

The US Nimitz class supper carrier's can carry around 90 fixed and non fixed wing aircraft.The UK Queen Elizabeth Super carrier is the same size as the US Nimitz class but the UK's QE class will only carry around 50 fixed and non fixed wing aircraft.The French nuclear powered carrier Charles De Gaulle can carry around 35-40 fixed and non fixed aircraft and the Spanish and Italian and Brazilian carrier(s) carry less around 30 fixed and non fixed wing aircraft.

How many feet from the flight deck of an aircraft carrier to the water?


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How many people does an aircraft carrier feed each day?

Typically, an aircraft carrier is home to close to 5,000 people. This includes ship's crew and air wing personnel.