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Given the river is over 4,000 miles long and flows through all kinds of landscape, from jungle to desert, it is impossible to calculate.

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15y ago

Given the river is over 4,000 miles long it is impossible to calculate. However the Nile delta is probably the most fertile.

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Q: How many miles was the fertile land on both sides of the Nile?
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How dit the nile river help those living near it?

the nile provided great gifts like water, fish, rich silt and helped for farming because it flooded each year and created a 'fertile valley' at both sides of the river, a great place to farm

How did the both sides of the nile help ancient Egypt?


How is the Nile River Delta similar to the Nile River Valley?

They are both fertile, almost oasis like places. the Nile River Delta is a fertile and luscious place. The Nile River Valley is about the same, except a delta isn't the same thing as a valley.

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The Fertile Crescent is a region in the Near East often incorrectly extended to Egypt. The links below will give you ample details to compare them.

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its protected by a desert

Why have people both feared and welcomed floods?

Ancient Egyptians, for instance, called their fertile cropland "the gift of the Nile."

Compare the nile valley and the Fertile Crescent?

The Fertile Crescent was an area in ancient Mesopotamia around the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The Nile River is a river in Egypt. In ancient times, these were regions with fertile soil because of their respective rivers. These rivers also had an upper and lower region. Agriculture was important to both civilizations.

How did the desrrt on both sides of the nile help ancient egyptian?

It assisted ancient Egypt in that the Nile separated two areas ruled by different kings.

Where were fertile lands in Egypt?

Lands both sides of the river for its full length. See the link below.

Is the Sahara Desert on both sides of the Nile in Egypt?

Yes. There's a lot MORE of it on the west side, of course.