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THere were a total of six missions where men were landed on the moon's surface.

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Q: How many mission did NASA visit moon?
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What was the mission of NASA?

NASA's original mission was to beat the Russians to the moon, which they did. Now, however, they are devoted to studying and researching space.

What planet did NASA visit first?

nasa technically didn't visit any planets yet, but it has visited the moon (and was the first to send people to the moon), and it has also done many missions into lower earth orbit.

What is is NASA's most historic mission?

Arguably Apollo 11 was NASA's most historic mission in which man first stepped on the surface of the moon.

How did they get on the moon?

NASA planned a mission to the moon sending a rocket to the moon with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin

What was the reason why the Apollo Mission went to the moon?

NASA wanted an American to be the first man on the moon

Which Omega watch is used by NASA for its Apollo mission to the moon?

The Omega watch, Speedmaster, is used by the astronauts of the Apollo 11 during its mission to the moon.

Would a kid visit the moon?

yes if nasa would let them

Apollo 13 is based on what historical event?

the NASA Apollo 13 mission to the Moon

Who sent neil Armstrong to the moon?

NASA sent Neil Armstrong to the moon. But President Kennedy paid for the space mission.

How many fails did NASA make trying to go to the moon?

Only one - Apollo 13, the third mission, which had to be aborted. The astronauts were returned safely.

Is there gold on the moon?

Yes The LCROSS mission that NASA conducted revealed gold on the moon. It was essentially a rocket crashing into the moon and scientist analyzed the particles blown into the atmosphere. After reviewing the data NASA determined that there is gold on the moon. As for mining it, the cost still makes it a pipe dream.

How many time did NASA astronauts go to moon?

I am not exactly sure about NASA and all of that. But, I know 12 men have walked on the moon.