

Best Answer

Including typical wisdom teeth, the normal adult dentition includes 12 molars (six in each arch).

Remember though, there are many anomalies (variations) in dental anatomy, and some people can have more or less teeth than what is considered 'normal.'

Look up the terms 'supernumerary teeth' and 'congenitally missing teeth.'
Twelve molars, in 4 groups.

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Q: How many molars does the adult human have?
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Related questions

Do your molars grow back?

Adult molars do not grow back. Infant molars are replaced by adult molars, so in a sense, infant molars do grow back.

How many molars do people have?

If you are an adult and still have your wisdom teeth, the you have 12 molars. If your wisdom teeth have been removed, you have 8 molars, unless on or more of them have been removed in the corse of your life.

Do you have baby molars?

Yes,I have baby molars

How many molars and premolars does an adult have?

An adult has 8 premolars 4 in each jaw.An adult has 12 molars6 in each jaw.

What are the types of human teeth?

The average adult has 32 teeth. The types of human teeth are incisors, canines, premolars and molars. In their lifetime, a person will have two sets of teeth.

What are the back teeth called?

Starting from the back of the human mouth: Wisdom teeth (in adults over around 21), molars and premolars are at the sides. The canines, then incisors are at the front.

How many adult teeth do humans have?

The normal complement of teeth in adult humans (including wisdom teeth) is 32. Some people do not get wisdom teeth (3rd molars) and their normal dentition is 28.

How many molars in child's mouth?

children have deciduous molars. they have 8 deciduous molars totally.(two molars per quadrant) maxillary right side-2 maxillary left side-2 mandibular right side-2 mandibular left side-2

Can you lose molars?

yes, you can lose your molars just like any other tooth. You want to lose your baby molars, but not the adult teeth.

How are rat teeth different from human teeth?

White adult rats has 16 teeth while human has 32 teeth but what also difers is the type of teeth that are inside a rats mouth rats have incisors and molars for gnawing while we have canine ,molars and incisors .

What are the types of the teeth?

The average adult has 32 teeth. The types of human teeth are incisors, canines, premolars and molars. In their lifetime, a person will have two sets of teeth.

What kind of human teeth are best for grinding food?

the large flat molars in the back of your mouth