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It depends on the mass of the tablet and the molar mass of the aspirin molecule itself, find out the mass in grams of one tablet, divide it by the sum of the number of neutrons and protons in one molecule of aspirin and it will give you the molar mass of the aspirin tablet.

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21 atoms; C9H8O4

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Q: How many molecules of aspirin C9H8O4 are there in a 100.0 mg tablet of aspirin?
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How many moles are in 300mg of aspirin?

Aspirins formula is C9H8O4 300 mg Aspirin (1 gram/1000 mg)(1 mole aspirin/180.154 grams) = 0.00167 moles aspirin

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Calculate the molecular weight of Aspirin, by adding up the atomic weights of the atoms that make it up. Then take the mass of the tablet (325mg, divide by 1000 too) and divide by the molecular weight you just got.

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Aspirin overdose can be fatal, causing around 25 deaths per year in the United States. The majority of these deaths are due to accidental overdoses or intentional misuse.

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No formula, just dimensional analysis and ratios. Aspirin is C9H8O6 300 mg C9H8O6 (1 gram/1000 milligrams)(1 mole C9H8O6/212.154 grams) = 1.41 X 10^-3 moles aspirin just get milligrams up to grams and divide that by the molar mass