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1w ago

To find the number of moles in 2400 grams of Ba(OH)2, divide the given mass by the molar mass of Ba(OH)2. The molar mass of Ba(OH)2 is 171.34 g/mol. So, 2400 g / 171.34 g/mol = 14.00 mol of Ba(OH)2.

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Q: How many moles of BaOH2 are in 2400 grams of BaOH 2?
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Ba(OH)2 is a base, specifically a strong base. It dissociates completely in water to form barium ions and hydroxide ions, which can accept protons (H+) to neutralize acids and form water.

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BaOH is a base. It is barium hydroxide, which dissociates in water to produce hydroxide ions, making it a strong base.

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The reaction between BaO and H2O forms barium hydroxide (Ba(OH)₂) as the product. This is the result of the Ba²⁺ ions from BaO combining with the hydroxide ions (OH⁻) from water.

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Ba(OH)2 (barium hydroxide) is a soluble ionic compound and can be classified as a salt. It is composed of a metal cation (Ba2+) and a hydroxide anion (OH-).

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No. Not ALL metal hydroxides are strong bases, and not all strong bases are soluble.Only group 2 hydroxides (LiOH, NaOH, KOH, etc) and three group 2 metal hydroxides (CaOH, SrOH, and BaOH) are strong bases.Solubility is determined by how much the substance deionizes in a solution at a given temperature. A soluble substance is considered to be soluble if makes 0.1 M, and insoluble if it's less than 0.0001 M.For example, BaOH is a strong base, and is considered insoluble because less than 1% of it dissolves in water. But the bit that does is a very strong electrolyte.

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How many atoms are in Ba OH 2?

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