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The answer is 2,7 moles.

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Q: How many moles of helium are in sixteen gallons of the element?
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How many moles of he are in 16 of the element?

There are approximately 4.0 moles of Helium in 16 grams of the element.

How many moles of He are in 16 g of element?

using the formula: n=m/gfm no. of moles=mass/gfm you take the gram formula mass (gfm) as 4. and given the mass is 16g, both numbers can be substituted into the formula... n=16/4 = 4 the number of moles present in 16g of helium is 4 moles.

How many moles of Helium are in 6.46 g of Helium?

Helium is 4g/mol, so 6.46g of helium is 6.46/4=1.62 moles He.

How do you convert 26.7kg of helium into moles of helium?

6675 moles Moles = weight (in g) / atomic weight = 26700 g / 4 = 6675 moles

How many moles of helium gas (he) are present in 7.2 liters of helium gas at standard conditions?

The number of moles of helium is 0,32.

How many moles of Helium are present in 5.66 moles of H2O?

H2O or water doesn't have any helium in it.

How many grams are in 0.775 moles of helium?

The mass of helium equivalent to 0,775 moles is 3,102 g.

What is the mass in grams of 1.5 moles of helium?

The mass of 1,5 moles of helium is 6,003 903 g.

Convert 1.2 x 1024 atoms of helium to moles?

How many moles are there in 9.0333x1024 atoms of helium

A helium balloon contains 0.46 g of helium how many moles of helium does it contain?

0.46 divided by the formula weight of helium (4) 0.46/4=0.115 or 0.12 moles of Helium

How many moles are present in 205 g of helium?

Quite a few! 205 grams helium (1 mole He/4.003 grams) 51.2 moles of helium

What does 2 moles of helium equal?

2 moles equals 8 g of helium or 12.046 x 1023 atoms