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Two monosaccharide molecules are needed to form one sucrose molecule.

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Q: How many monosaccharide molecules are needed to form one sucrose molecule?
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How many monosaccharide molecules are needed to form a maltose molecule?

It takes 2 monosaccharide molecules to form a maltose molecule. Those are 2 glucose molecules. So 2 glucose molecules join together to make 1 maltose molecule.

Which monosaccharides molecules are needed to form one sucrose molecule?


How many monosaccharide are needed to form one maltose molecule?

Two monosaccharides are needed to form one maltose molecule. Specifically, maltose is comprised of two glucose molecules joined together through a condensation reaction, which releases a molecule of water.

What monomer make up sucrose?

Sucrose is a disaccharhide; each monomer unit consists of one molecule of glucose & one molecule of fructose (each of which have the same chemical formula of C6H12O6); they become joined together by a condensation reaction, meaning that one molecule of water (H20) is lost between them. The chemical formula for sucrose therefore becomes C6H22O11

How many monosaccharide molecules are needed to construct a disaccharide?

Two monosaccharide molecules are needed to construct a disaccharide through a dehydration synthesis reaction, where a water molecule is removed to form a bond between the two monosaccharides.

What type of chemical reaction would cause sucrose to break up into simpler units?

Hydrolysis or a hydrolytic is a reaction in which a water molecule i.e Sucrose, is needed to break up a complex molecule i.e glucose, into smaller molecule.

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To form a molecule of fat, the two types of molecules that are needed are glycerol and fatty acid. One glycerol molecule attaching itself to three molecules of fatty acid will give one molecule of fat.

What 2 types of molecules are needed to form a fat molecule?

To form a molecule of fat, the two types of molecules that are needed are glycerol and fatty acid. One glycerol molecule attaching itself to three molecules of fatty acid will give one molecule of fat.

How man atoms are in a molecule of sucrose?

According to the NISTUnits=SI Sucrose has the empirical formula (good enough for this question, full chemical formula not needed) of C12H22O11. That's 12 Carbons, 22 Hydrogens, and 11 Oxygens. Therefore 12+22+11=45 atoms in one molecule of sucrose.

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The answer is 6,023.1023.

How many molecules of ATP are needed to break the bonds of a glucose molecule into pyruvate molecule?
