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A domesticated goat's baby stays inside its mother's womb, this period is known as gestation period, for about 145–155 days. For more on other animals' gestation period

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Q: How many months do the goat stay inside their mother's body?
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Related questions

What develops as the kid into mature goat?

A kid goat will be considered a mature goat when it is weaned from its mother. The kid goats are usually weaned from their mothers within four months after birth.

How long does it take to fully wean a goat kid from its mothers milk?

it can last from 3 weeks to 4 months depending on the goat. we have a yearling doe that still tries drinking milk but they shouldn't need milk after about 2 months.

When is a goat fully grown?

A goat or sheep are considered adult at 12 months old. However, an uncastrated male is fertile at about 4 months and a female may breed before 12 months.

How many months will a goat give birth?

With in six months a goat can give birth a baby goat after mating

Does a goat have an exoskeleton or an endoskeleton?

Endoskeleton - their bones are inside their body

How long does it take to raise a goat?

Anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. After that if there is a kid still inside mama you might start helping her, calling a vet or trusted member of your goat community. Good luck. Birth is amazing!

How many months before goat can be impregnated from born?

You should wait until the goat is about 18 months of age

Is the cheese sauce from Albacore goat cheese?

no , its your mothers flange cream

When do you put a buck goat in with a girl goat?

When the female goat (doe) is at least 12 to 14 months of age.

What does a mountain goat drink?

a kid mountain lion drinks the mothers milk

How many months before a goat has kids?

Generally around 5 months, but make sure the goat is in heat first, or it might be longer.

What is the gestation period of goat sheep pig and horse?

Goat and sheep are both 6 months, pigs are 3 months 3 weeks and 3 days, and Horses are 11-12 months.