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It will really depend on the owner's consistency with training. Any bad experiences or slack in training will certainly increase the length of time needed to housebreak. Dogs take at least 30x of consistent training to get the idea. For a normal adult dog with no behavior or medical issues, assume roughly 2 weeks to 1 month. Punishment or confusion in training will most likely cause the dog to hide when eliminating thereby lengthening the time. Note that dogs may eliminate in the house once in awhile out of necessity.

A dog must be at least 4-5months of age before expecting some self control over bowels.

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11y ago

Some dogs are much harder to house train than others. Small dogs have the reputation of being notoriously hard to house train. No matter the dogs size, they should be getting the hang of house training by age three or four months if you are consistent with your training methods. If you aren't consistent, it could take up to seven months.

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Q: How many months does it take a dog before it is house trained?
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Tell you how many months it takes before a dog is house trained?

It might not even take months it can take years.

How many months before a dog is house trained?

depends on the dog and the training method I had a yorkie that never get fully trained and would sneak into the basement to do # 2. i had good sucess with my rotts using a crate method, was house broken by time he was 3 months old only a month after we got him

How many months does it take for a dog to be house trained?

Yes it is possible it also has to do what type of dog it is. Like if it is a "smart"dog then yes it is possible. A had two puppies and now they are like 4 years old they are both were house trained when they were 9 months. Also just be nice and polite to the dog but stay on top of them if they do not do what you want the dog to do.

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