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Q: How many months need to be left to travel to Serbia and Bosnia?
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Three months.

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== == Determine when your passport expires and subtract 3 or 4 months from that date to allow for renewal. == == == ==

How did the civil war in Yugoslavia start?

when Slovenia and Macedonia left Croatia tried too but because of the WW2 history between Croatia and Serbia Milosevic didnt want his serbian people living in a country where the people in the 40s killed Serbs there were a lot of protests and when it was sure tha Croatia would leave Yugoslavia, Bosnia tried to leave too Both Serbia and Croatia wanted Bosnia and both attacked it from both sides in bosnia some fought for indepence, some for uniting with Croatia and the others for uniting with Serbia all three did the same atrocities but some more than others

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It must at least have three months left.

Bosnia genocide info please?

The war in Bosnia left around 400,000 people dead.

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It is not possible to travel to Israel on a passport that is less than 6 months left on their passport as a passport is not a form of transport. You would be much better using an aeroplane or train if possble.