


Bosnia-Herzegovina is a country in Southern Europe on the Balkan Peninsula. It is home to three ethnic groups: Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats. This politically decentralized country comprises two governing entities: Republika Srpska and Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

431 Questions

Did Bosnia sign agenda 21?

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Yes, Bosnia signed the Agenda 21 document at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992. Agenda 21 is a non-binding action plan to promote sustainable development globally.

Is Austria is south west of Bosnia?

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No, Austria is northwest of Bosnia.

Does bosnia have any nuclear weapons?

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No, Bosnia does not possess nuclear weapons. The country is a party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and does not have any known or declared nuclear weapons program.

Average household income Bosnia?

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The average household income in Bosnia and Herzegovina is around $800-$900 per month. However, this can vary depending on the region and urban/rural divide.

What are two magazines that feature Bosnia?

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Two magazines that feature Bosnia are "BH Dani" and "Sarajevo Times." BH Dani is a weekly magazine based in Bosnia and Herzegovina that covers various topics, including current affairs, culture, and society. Sarajevo Times is an online English-language magazine that provides news and information about Bosnia and Herzegovina.

How did genocide in Bosnia differ from genocide in Rwanda?

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NATO countries intervened in Bosnia to reach a peace agreement, but the global community failed to respond to genocide in Rwanda.

What is the most common job in Bosnia?

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operators, blue collar workers

What types of foods are eaten in Bosnia?

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They eat fish, pork and a lot of seafood. I will add some of the traditional dishes I ate in Croatia - čobanac, a veal stew, Riblju Corbu, a fish stew, Ćevapčići, ground meat shaped in fingers and grilled, Pljeskavica, a grilled meat patty served with fresh red onions and crusty bread (possibly some Ajvar), and peka, a meat dish baked over ashes/coals in an earthenware pot. Crni rizoto is a dish served along the Dalmatian coast made with the meat and ink of the cuttlefish. Blitva, or Swiss chard, is served almost everywhere in Croatia. Vegeta is a national seasoning treasure and can be used in nearly any savory dish.

Why is Bosnia not a member of the European Union?

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The European Union is an organisation that countries apply to join. It is not a place and is not a continent. Bosnia is a European country, but is not yet a member of the European Union. Before it can become a member a lot of things have to be done for it to meet the conditions for membership. Bosnia wants to join but it will be a while before this happens.

What are some of the fun celebrations they have in Bosnia?

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- International Sarajevo Winter Festival (February/Winter)

- Banja Luka Choir Gathering (April/May)

- Kids' Festival (June)

- Bascarsija Nights (July)

- Summer on the Vrbas (July)

- Sarajevo Film Festival (August)

- Banja Luka Summer Games (August)

- MESS Theater Festival (October)

- Jazzfest Sarajevo (November)

International Sarajevo Winter Festival (February/Winter)

The International Winter Festival attracts exhibits from all over the world, including contemporary artistic presentations, concerts, sculpture exhibitions, and cultural commentary. Since its first year in 1984, this festival has become an indispensable part of life in Sarajevo. The International Sarajevo Winter Festival has received one of the highest awards possible, called "Sestoaprilska Negarda Sarajeva."

Banja Luka Choir Gathering (April/May)

Enjoy a series of rich programs with some of the most beautiful voices in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Kids' Festival (June)

The biggest independent kids' event in southeastern Europe is a great destination for a family vacation. Keep the kids entertained with cartoon films, workshops, kiosks, jugglers, dancers, and magic shows, and maybe catch a show or two yourself!

Bascarsija Nights (July)

Bascarsija Nights is one of the most notable cultural festivals to come to Sarajevo. This month-long festival is filled with 40-50 events that span anyone's interests. Free admission and the beautiful location of this festival has added greatly to its charm over the years. Enjoy literary events, children's programs, classical music, films, and classical opera and ballet. Check them out at

Summer on the Vrbas (July)

This traditional event is held near the Kastel Fortress. What makes this festival unique is its blend of athletic events and cultural pursuits. Both artists and athletes display their impressive skills and abilities, so from kayak racing to meetings of artistic associations, there's no way that visitors won't find something just right.

Sarajevo Film Festival (August)

The Sarajevo Film Festival focuses on regional films, both long and short, and a variety of genres to choose from. Whether you're a film buff or someone interested in taking in the culture of Bosnia-Herzegovina, you won't be disappointed in this fantastic event and meeting place for artists all over the globe. Visit

Banja Luka Summer Games (August)

Life returns to the area around Banja Luka's historic Kastel as the Summer Games draw masses from Bosnia-Herzegovina and beyond. Enjoy a youthful spirit in the balmy city, while onlookers champion (and even rival) the outstanding athletes of Bosnia-Herzegovina's past. As training conditions improve every year, it's just a matter of time before Olympic gold medals flood Banja Luka again.

MESS Theater Festival (October)

This festival takes place every October, and has been since 1960. MESS, which stands for Small Experimental Stage, offers theater and modern dance performances are hand selected from all Europe. You can explore lots of creative performances that span many different cultures and languages, sometimes providing on-stage translators for specific events.

Jazzfest Sarajevo (November)

Jazzfest is Sarajevo's jazz scene at its finest. This internationally-minded festival blends perfectly with the strong cafe culture that has regained its strength in Sarajevo. Any jazz lover should mark this festival as the perfect opportunity to experience jazz in an original, European setting. Go to for more details.



What are the square miles of Bosnia?

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Bosnia and Herzegovina's area is 19,767 square miles.

What is it like to live in Bosnia?

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Pretty much like people in any other country..pretty well just trying to recover from the war sitll

How do you say hope to see you soon in bosnian?

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Dúfam, že sa znova uvidíme

What is the official name of Bosnia?

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Bosnia is a region of SE Europe on the Balkan peninsula, which in 2010 is part of the republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnia and Herzegovina were formerly a part of the federation of Yugoslavia, which was broken up by the Yugoslav conflicts (Bosnian War) beginning in May of 1992.


In the middle ages, Bosnia and Herzegovina was just called "Bosnia", or "Kingdom of Bosnia". Herzegovina is a region of Bosnia, in the middle ages it was called "Hum", but it was renamed to Herzegovina. Ottomans occupied Bosnia, and in the Ottoman empire it was called "Bosnian vilayet". After Ottomans, Austro-Hungary annexed Bosnia, and it was the first time the term "Bosnia and Herzegovina" was used. In Yugoslavia, Bosnia was one of six constituent republics. It's full name was "Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina", and when Yugoslavia broke up, it was called the "Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.".

What was Bosnia like before the war?

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Which war are you referring to?

How many bosnians are in America?

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4 - 5 million bosnians, around 2 million of them are bosniaks(the original population)

How can Bosnia and Herzegovina best be described?

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I am Bosnian. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a very beautiful country.

We had a war 15 -18 years ago it was a mess. I lost my grandpa. My mom had been forced to leave her home. I wonder how my grandpa would have been if those serbs didn't kill him . I hope that never happens to my beautiful country.

We have a lot of animals. We have waterfalls. We have horses that you can ride on. Cows that u can milk. Chickens that you get eggs from. Pools, schools, a national holiday, good food, and restaurants.

Sarajevo is the capital. It is a long trip if you're in the USA, but it's worth it

Who was involved in the ethnic conflicts in Bosnia?

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"who cares" was some guy's answer, but mine is a bit different

Serbs VS Croats Serbs VS Muslims Muslims VS Croats for a period Muslims against Muslims for a period

And naturally, there were Croats and Serbs in the Muslim army ( Bosnian army) so that makes it Serbs vs Serbs

Croats Vs Croats

Crazy I know

What is the value of a yugoslavian sks?

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In my searching to list one for sale they seem to be about $275-350 right now depending on condition etc... I listed mine on swapgiant (Ohio) and a few other gun sales sites for $265 with a few things included and have several interested allready. Now just a couple of years ago you could get them for $125-175 I think. My first I bought for $99 but that was 8 years ago.