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Q: How many more hours does it take to get to Kenya then England?
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How many hours on the plane is it from England to Australia?

it depends on where you are flying to mostly about 1 full day or more some may even take 30 hours or more!

How many different eagles are there in Kenya?

More than 50,000

Why do you think insects are able to destroy so many crops in Kenya than the US?

There are more insects that are destructive in Kenya

Which country is more prone to drought Italy or Kenya?

I think Kenya is more prone to drought than Italy. The Kenya's weather is such that you can get a drought in Kenya.

How many hours to fly from England to Dublin Ireland?

England can be as little as 30 minutes flying time from Dublin, depending on where in England you are flying from. It would be not much more than an hour for the parts that are furthest from Dublin.

How many hours a week does a vicar work?

A vicar typically works between 40-50 hours a week, which includes conducting church services, pastoral care, administrative duties, and community outreach. The workload can vary depending on the needs of the congregation and the size of the parish.

Why is England 5 hours ahead of New York in time?

It is more than 5 hours ahead. England is in a different time zone and when it is daylight in NYC it is dark in London.

How long a flight take to go Dublin?

That will depend on where you are flying from. It would be less than an hour, from England, but many hours more from other parts of the world.

Is Kenya bigger than the US?

No it is not, there is more square miles in the U.S. than Kenya.

How many miles is it from Camden Maine to London England?

There are 3,124 miles separating Camden, Maine and London, England. A flight from the airport in Rockland, Maine to London Heathrow would take 11 hours 55 minutes to 14 hours 20 minutes or more, depending on the stops.

Does Kenya have a lot of animals?

Kenya has a highly diversified fauna, ranging from many different wild animals, including lions, rhinos, leopards, elephants, hippos, giraffes, and hundreds more!

Which continent is kenya located in?

Kenya is part of the African continent.AFRICA