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Q: How many more troops did the union state have?
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How many more troops did the union state have than the confederate state?

about 20 more

How many more troops did the union states have than the confederate state?

about 20 more

How many more troops did the union states have than the?

about 20 more

How many more troops did the union have than the confederate states?

about 20 more

How many more troops did union states have than the confederate states?

about 20 more

How many troops did the union states have than the confederate states?

about 20 more

In the first two years why were there so many initial Confederate military victories in the East?

The Confederate troops won so many more battles in the East because the Union troops were poorly trained and poorly outfitted. Also, the Confederate troops had better generals than the Union troops had.

Who had more troops in the Civil War?


What was the first state that left the union on the civil war?

The first state to leave the Union was South Carolina. Six more followed before the first shots were fired at Fort Sumter. Lincoln responded by calling for volunteer-troops, and four more states seceded.

How many troops did President Lincoln ask for reinforcements in July of 1864?

In July of 1864, President Lincoln was advised that more troops were needed to fill the ranks of Union armies. The Overland Campaign in Virginia, under US Grant, was losing too many men in battle. Also, many Union soldiers had spent their required time in the army and were not reenlisting. Lincoln called for 500,000 more troops from the states.

Why did many leaders call for African Americans be allowed to fight in the civil war?

The Union and Confederacy needed more troops after loosing many during all the battles.

How many troops did the Union army have in the battle of Pleasant Hill Landing?

Union General Nathaniel Banks was involved in several battles in early March of 1864. Banks army at the Battle of Pleasant Hill were 20,000 men strong. He received 10,000 more troops when Vicksburg fell.