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Q: How many muscle cells make up the body?
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How many different cell types are in the human body?

200 types of cells in the human body. Catorgorized into three separate groups. All 200 different types carry out their own specific functions.Reply* There is no proof about how many cells there is in a human body.. iv'e studied the human body and this is a unmodified answer.

What is the most basic building block of the human organism?

Ummm... There are differnet cells that build the body. There are muscle cells that build muscle, skin cells that build skin, nerve cells that make up nerves, bone cells that make up bones, and blood cells that make up blood. There is no one cell that "builds" the body. Bodies have many different cells.

In the body were do you find cells?

Everywhere! Every structure and tissue in the body is made of one kind of cell or another: blood cells, bone cells, muscle cells, skins cells, nerve cells, & many more kinds.

What is the difference between cells tissues organs and body systems?

cells are the smallest units in our bodies. tissues are collections of cells, and organs are collections of tissues. For example, the lung is a collection of cells that are of smooth tissue type. Systems are a collection of organs like the circulatory system is collection of the heart muscle which is cardiac, and the blood arteries and veins and capillaries which are smooth tissue.

What are Examples of somatic cells?

Somatic cells are any body cells that are not sperm or egg cells. These include skin cells, heart muscle cells, and bone cells, among many others.

What is the difference between the body's organs and systems?

The difference between cells, tissues, organs, and body systems are that many cells make tissues, many tissues make organs, and many organs make body systems.

How many cells are in a body?

Fifty to seventy-five million cells make up the human body.

What makes the structure of muscle cells different from other cells?

basiccly there are more than two simiraties and differnces but illl tell yhu just 2 : normal cells: tiny and many but only cover parts of yhur body muscle cells: cover most of yhur body andstrong like the other guy said

How many cells make up the body?


In which kinds of human cells would you expect to find the most mitochondria?

Mitochondria is a cite in the cytoplasm also known as power house of the cell because of their energy generating ability in the cell. In humans there are many life activities that goes on in the body in order to make life possible. The prominent activity is that needs large amount of energy is reproduction. This occurs in the tissues, hence mitochondria are mostly found in muscle tissues for this life activity.

How many chromosomes are in a human muscle cell?

Muscle cells are somatic cells, with the diploid number of cells it's 46 chromosomes.

What are 3 of the many types of cells which comprise the cardiovascular system?

Cardiac muscle cells, smooth muscle cells, and endothelial cells.