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Q: How many nations had colonies in Latin America in 1830?
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What European country dominated the trade of Latin America in the nineteenth century?

Until the 1830's, Spain qualified as such. After that, most overseas colonies in the Americas were already independent and fell under the sphere of influence of the United States.

How did political system in the American colonies change during Mormon era?

The "Mormon era" - from 1830 to the present day - began many decades after the American colonies had become the United States of America.

Who was the hero of 1830?

Simon Bolivar was a hero of 1830. Simon Bolivar played a key role in Latin America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire. He is one of the most influential politicians in the history of the Americas.

When did Latin America gain independence?

they won there independent on may 24, 1822

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sometime in the 1800s, probably around 1830

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Who inspired Latin America to get rid of spanish rule?

Several liberators, depending on each country within Latin America. For Mexico and Central America, it was Miguel Hidalgo (1753-1811). For Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador, Simon Bolivar (1783-1830) is their inspirator. For Chile, Argentina and Peru, Jose de San Martin (1778-1850) was their liberator. And so on.

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Did Simon Bolivar die?

In Columbia (South America) in 1830.

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Edgar Allan Poe in North America 1830-1849 Gogol in Russia 1830-1852

Is the word quadriceps Latin or Greek?

The word quadriceps is Latin for "four-headed"

What effect did Simon Bolivar have on Latin America's independence from colonial rule?

Simon Bolivar was a South American Military and political leader. He played the central role in gaining independence for Latin America from Spanish rule. He is also credited with instituting democracy in Latin America by founding Gran Columbia. This state included the territories of present-day Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama, northern Peru, western Guyana and northwest Brazil, Bolivar was its president from 1819 to 1830.