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Q: How many neutrons are in sodiums most common isotpe?
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How many neutrons does the common isotope of uranium have?

146 neutrons.

How many neutrons are the in silicon?

In the most common isotope of silicon, there are 14 neutrons.

How many neutrons does a germanium atom have?

The most common isotope of Germanium has 40 neutrons.

How many protons and neutrons does a carbon have?

6 protons. The number of neutrons varies, but the most common isotope has 6 neutrons.

How many neutrons make up neon?

The most common isotope of Neon has 10 neutrons.

How many neutrons do silicon have?

It varies depending on the isotope. The most common isotope (over 90%) has 14 neutrons.

How many protons and how Mani neutrons does it have?

Boron has 5 neutrons and 5 protons for its most common isotope

How many neutrons are the most common isotope of an element?


How many number neutrons magnesium?

A stable magnesium atom has 12, 13 or 14 neutrons. The atom with 12 neutrons is the most common one.

The element boron how many protons and neutrons does it have?

Boron has 5 neutrons and 5 protons for its most common isotope

The Li atom will have how many neutrons?

The atomic mass of Lithium is 6.941. Its has 3 protons and the most common has 4 neutrons.

How many neutrons does kryplon have?

Lol kryplon. If you meant krypton, the most common (as well as stable) isotope has 48 neutrons.