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Q: How many new segregation laws were passed from 1956?
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Why did the democratic party rule the south for so many years?

Through the Amnesty Act of 1872.

Why was ending segregation so difficult?

Segregation was enforced by many state and federal laws.

When did segregation ended?

Segregation ended after Brown vs. Board of education was passed, when MLK made his speech, when the jim crow laws were killed, etc. There are many different checkpoints, but there was never a specific date of the end.

What led many African Americans to leave the south?

segregation laws

Because of the civil rights actions in the 1960s?

many segregation laws were repealed

How many Laws does Mendel have?

1. dominance 2. segregation 3.independent assortment

Because of civil rights actions in the 1960's?

many segregation laws were repealed

Why were laws passed that denied slaves many rights?

The reason why these laws were passed that denied a slaves' many rights is because the laws made it more difficult for enslaved people to escape.

How many Massachusetts laws have been passed this year?

So far in 2008, 377 'Session Laws' have been passed.

How many laws where pass in the White House?

None. Laws are passed by Congress.

Did many African Americsns left the South to avoid segregation laws and the Ku Klux Klan?

Yes. Many AA left the south to avoid segregation laws and the Ku Klux Klan. The KKK was very evil and so many AA didnt wanna get involved with them

How many laws are passed by Congress annually?

It depends.