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Cannot be answered as there are too many variables, only one of which is the yield of the bombs used.

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How many nuclear bombs can blow up the earth?

It would depend on the size of the bomb.

How many bombs would it take to blow up the sun?

To say how many nuclear bombs it would take to blow up the sun is almost impossible. Actually the sun is a continuously exploding thermonuclear bomb, that's where the energy comes from - fusion. It doesn't matter how many bombs you shot into the sun, it would just get hotter.

How many nuclear bombs per week US builds nuclear bombs?

At this time the US builds no nuclear bombs. A small number of existing bombs are refurbished as needed.

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No nuclear bombs were tested on Easter Island.

How many nuclear bombs would it take to blow up the moon?

Anywhere from 1 to trillions, depending on:yieldburst height/depthburst slant rangeetc.

How many nuclear bombs does Australia have?

none, australia is not a nuclear power

How many nuclear bombs has Australia built?

Well, to my research there hasn't been any nuclear bombs, Aussie has built.

Where were nuclear bombs created?

in many places

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How many nuclear bombs would it take to blow up earth?

that would depend on yield and where they were detonated. but the answer is more than have ever been built or could be built.

How many nuclear bombs does Russia have?

Russia has roughly 3500 nuclear warheads at the time of this writing and the number is slowly falling.

How many bombs will blow up the earth?