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They have one for each cell.

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Q: How many nuclei does most protozoan have?
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What is the most common protozoan STD in the us?

Trichomoniasis is the most common protozoan STD in the US. Aside from giardia, which is rarely sexually transmitted, it's the only protozoan STD.

Are most protozoan are found in warm tropical environment?


What is longer than most cells and contains many nuclei.?

Nerve cell

What is the most prevalent protozoan disease?

Malaria is the deadliest protozoan diseases. It is transmitted by the female mosquito and matures in the liver and blood cells.

Uses of protozoan?

protozoan is used for fishing

What cell is longer than most cells and contains many nuclei?

Nerve cell

Is the malaria parasite a single celled protozoan?

no it is not but many believe it is.......

Is alga a type of microscopic protozoan?

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Who discovered the protozoan that caused pebrine?

I discover protozoan

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Is a protozoan is a std?

Trichomoniasis is caused by a protozoan.TRICHOMONIASIS.TrichomonasTrichomonas vaginalis is the protozoa that causes trichomoniasis.Trichomoniasis.Trichomoniasis is a STD caused by a protozoa.Tichomonasis is an infection by a protozoan most commonly spead through sexual intercourse.