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There is no one number for Hibiscus. The amount ranges from 22 to 168. This is due to the large number of different types of Hibiscus types so this question is vague. I did find something for those interested in this question, try this website which has the counts for many types of Hibiscus and many other plants.

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15y ago

it has 18 chromosomes lar

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Q: How many number of chromosomes do hibiscus plant have?
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If the diploid number of the plant is ten, then its haploid number is 5. Since triploid refers to three times the haploid number, then a triploid plant would have 15 chromosomes.

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Seven. There are half as many chromosomes in the sex cells, or gamete cells, of an organism as there are in the normal, or somatic cells, of that organism.

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Why do shrimps have so many chromosomes?

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Hibiscus Is Herb Or Shurb?

Hibiscus is a shrub. It is a medium-sized plant, bearing many equal-sized branches arising from the base of the plant. These branches are herbaceous above and woody below.

How do you figure out how many chromosomes would be in an animal?

In fact, each species of plants and animals has a set number of chromosomes. A fruit fly, for example, has four pairs of chromosomes, while a rice plant has 12 and a dog, 39.

How many chromosomes does a spider wort plant have?

A spiderwort plant (Tradescantia) typically has 12 chromosomes in its cells.